Toserba Online Shop telah meluncurkan produk baru untuk dijual, 'Baju Muslim
Pasangan Kode PBAKK 4536-PBAKK 4535'
Type : Baju Muslim Pasangan -- Warna : Sesuai Gambar -- Bahan : Kelly -- Ukuran
: S-M-L-XL
Ukuran Baju Muslim Cowok :
- Ukuran S = Panjang = 64 ; Lebar = 44
- Ukuran M = Panjang = 68 ; Lebar = 48
- Ukuran L = Panjang = 72 ; Lebar = 52
- Ukuran XL = [...]
Anda dapat melihat detail produk melalui link di bawah ini.
Hormat kami,
Toserba Online Shop -
måndag 17 juni 2013
söndag 16 juni 2013
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onsdag 12 juni 2013
[Info Resep] Resep Cara Membuat Rendang Ayam
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'Resep Cara Membuat Rendang Ayam'
Resep Cara Membuat Rendang Ayam -Resep Cara Membuat Rendang Ayam Masakan yang
satu ini sudah barang tentu tidak asing lagi Bagi anda Seluruh pembaca blog
Aneka Macam Resep ini, Yup Masakan ini Biasanya akan sangat mudah di Jumpai di
Hari-hari Ist...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Resep Cara Membuat Rendang Ayam -Resep Cara Membuat Rendang Ayam Masakan yang
satu ini sudah barang tentu tidak asing lagi Bagi anda Seluruh pembaca blog
Aneka Macam Resep ini, Yup Masakan ini Biasanya akan sangat mudah di Jumpai di
Hari-hari Ist...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[Info HP Terbaru] BlackBerry Messenger Siap Meluncur di iOS dan Android
Info HP Terbaru has posted a new item, 'BlackBerry Messenger Siap Meluncur di
iOS dan Android'
Setelah sekian lama BlackBerry mempertahankan layanan BBM (BlackBerry
Messenger) untuk hanya dapat digunakan secara eksklusif di jajaran produk
BlackBerry saja, akhirnya perusahaan menyerah. Melalui konferensi BlackBerry
Live yang diadakan di Orlando, Florida, CEO BlackBerry Thorsten Heins
mengumumkan bahwa layanan BBM akan diluncurkan untuk perangkat berbasis iOS dan
Android. Menurut jadwal, pengguna Android dan iOS akan dapat mencicipi BBM yang
hadir sebagai aplikasi gratis mulai musim panas mendatang.
Heins mengatakan, Kami membuat platform BBM lebih powerful dari yang pernah ada.
Kami ingin menawarkan layanan mobile yang powerful ini ke semua orang. Untuk
dapat menikmati aplikasi BBM yang dihadirkan secara gratis, pengguna harus
memiliki model iPhone yang minimal dijalankan dengan iOS 6 atau perangkat
berbasis Android yang minimal mengusung Android versi Ice Cream Sandwich atau
Jelly Bean. Heins juga menjelaskan bahwa perusahaan berkomitmen untuk membuat
BBM dapat berjalan dengan fitur penuh di platform lainnya. Namun dirinya juga
menekankan bahwa layanan berkirim pesan ini tetap lebih unggul bila dijalankan
di handset BlackBerry.
CEO perusahaan tersebut juga menjelaskan bahwa perusahaan sangat yakin dengan
kesuksesan yang diraih OS BlackBerry 10, sehingga merasa tidak khawatir membagi
layanan utamanya BBM ke sistem operasi yang lain. Kami yakin bahwa waktunya
sangat tepat bagi BBM untuk menjadi solusi berkirim pesan di multiplatform, ujar
Heins. Peluncuran layanan BBM sebagai aplikasi gratis yang dimulai musim panas
ini masih berbentuk layanan standar, yakni untuk berkirim pesan antar pengguna
dan membentuk grup untuk berkomunikasi. Sementara layanan berbagi video dan
layar akan menyusul di akhir tahun ini. Begitu pula dengan layanan BBM Channels
yang sepertinya akan hadir di tahun ini juga. (Rk/pocket-lint, techhive).
Silahkan Respon Anda, bagikan via Facebook ...
Kami membenci SPAM! Kami menghormati dan menghargai PRIVACY Anda.
Populer Gadget Teknologi :bbm akan meluncur ke android, hape androian mau
meluncur bbm, kontrak samsung dengan layanan bbm, jadwal bbm meluncur di
android, bbm untuk android sudah meluncur
Artikel lainnya BlackBerry Messenger Siap Meluncur di iOS dan Android
Layanan Pesan Samsung ChatOn hadir di BlackBerryLayanan pesan yang dikenal
dengan nama Samsung ChatOn kembali maju selangkah untuk benar-benar menjadi
layanan multi-platform setelah perusahaan elektronik terbesar Korea tersebut
meluncurkannya pada perangkat ...
BlackBerry 10 Akan Segera Siap Untuk Perizinan, Kata RIMResearch in Motion Ltd
menjelaskan bahwa sistem operasi terbarunya, BlackBerry 10, akan segera siap
untuk mendapatkan perizinan dan segera diluncurkan pada perangkat terbarunya di
awal ...
BlackBerry Dan Bank Permata Hadirkan Layanan BBM Money di IndonesiaBlackBerry
tengah mengadakan uji coba program pengiriman uang (transfer) di Indonesia
melalui Messenger yang diberi nama BBM Money. Terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai
negara pertama yang mencicipi ...
RIM Menunda Peluncuran BlackBerry 10 Terbaru Hingga 2013Research In Motion Ltd
menunda peluncuran produk andalannya, generasi selanjutnya dari handphone
BlackBerry dengan OS BlackBerry 10 hingga kuartal pertama tahun depan. RIM CEO
Thorsten ...
Aplikasi Facebook Messenger Tersedia Bagi Non-MemberPada hari Selasa, Facebook
memperkenalkan fitur terbaru pada aplikasi Messenger Android yang memungkinkan
pengguna mendaftar hanya dengan memasukkan nama dan nomor hp, tanpa harus
memiliki ...
Blackberry Messenger BBM Mengintip Di Ponsel AndroidTidak dapat dipungkiri
bahwa aplikasi BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) adalah daya tarik utama yang membuat
pengguna setia terhadap RIM dan ponsel BlackBerry nya. Namun pada Rabu ...
RIM Akan Memberikan Prototipe Software BB 10 Ke Developer Di Bulan MeiResearch
In Motion (RIM) berencana untuk memberikan software prototipe developer melalui
perangkat ujicoba yang menggunakan software terbarunya, BlackBerry 10 pada awal
Mei mendatang, demikian laporan ...
Lembaga Imigrasi US Beralih ke iPhone, Tinggalkan BlackBerrySatu lagi pukulan
keras menghantam RIM. Lembaga Imigrasi dan Bea Cukai Amerika (ICE) memutuskan
untuk mengakhiri kontrak kerjasamanya dengan BlackBerry dan beralih ke Apple
dengan ...
Update Terbaru Aplikasi Facebook Messenger di iOS dan AndroidFacebook hari ini
melakukan update pada layanan aplikasi Messenger (pesan) nya di iOS dan Android
dengan kemampuan untuk memberi tanda apakah suatu pesan sudah dibaca ...
Si Ramping Smartphone Blackberry 10 London Menantang IphoneSebuah image yang
menunjukan gambar yang diduga merupakan perangkat Blackberry smartphone terbaru
diungkapkan oleh CrackBerry. Smartphone terbaru ini sering disebut RIM sebagai
Superphone sesuai dengan ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info HP Terbaru
iOS dan Android'
Setelah sekian lama BlackBerry mempertahankan layanan BBM (BlackBerry
Messenger) untuk hanya dapat digunakan secara eksklusif di jajaran produk
BlackBerry saja, akhirnya perusahaan menyerah. Melalui konferensi BlackBerry
Live yang diadakan di Orlando, Florida, CEO BlackBerry Thorsten Heins
mengumumkan bahwa layanan BBM akan diluncurkan untuk perangkat berbasis iOS dan
Android. Menurut jadwal, pengguna Android dan iOS akan dapat mencicipi BBM yang
hadir sebagai aplikasi gratis mulai musim panas mendatang.
Heins mengatakan, Kami membuat platform BBM lebih powerful dari yang pernah ada.
Kami ingin menawarkan layanan mobile yang powerful ini ke semua orang. Untuk
dapat menikmati aplikasi BBM yang dihadirkan secara gratis, pengguna harus
memiliki model iPhone yang minimal dijalankan dengan iOS 6 atau perangkat
berbasis Android yang minimal mengusung Android versi Ice Cream Sandwich atau
Jelly Bean. Heins juga menjelaskan bahwa perusahaan berkomitmen untuk membuat
BBM dapat berjalan dengan fitur penuh di platform lainnya. Namun dirinya juga
menekankan bahwa layanan berkirim pesan ini tetap lebih unggul bila dijalankan
di handset BlackBerry.
CEO perusahaan tersebut juga menjelaskan bahwa perusahaan sangat yakin dengan
kesuksesan yang diraih OS BlackBerry 10, sehingga merasa tidak khawatir membagi
layanan utamanya BBM ke sistem operasi yang lain. Kami yakin bahwa waktunya
sangat tepat bagi BBM untuk menjadi solusi berkirim pesan di multiplatform, ujar
Heins. Peluncuran layanan BBM sebagai aplikasi gratis yang dimulai musim panas
ini masih berbentuk layanan standar, yakni untuk berkirim pesan antar pengguna
dan membentuk grup untuk berkomunikasi. Sementara layanan berbagi video dan
layar akan menyusul di akhir tahun ini. Begitu pula dengan layanan BBM Channels
yang sepertinya akan hadir di tahun ini juga. (Rk/pocket-lint, techhive).
Silahkan Respon Anda, bagikan via Facebook ...
Kami membenci SPAM! Kami menghormati dan menghargai PRIVACY Anda.
Populer Gadget Teknologi :bbm akan meluncur ke android, hape androian mau
meluncur bbm, kontrak samsung dengan layanan bbm, jadwal bbm meluncur di
android, bbm untuk android sudah meluncur
Artikel lainnya BlackBerry Messenger Siap Meluncur di iOS dan Android
Layanan Pesan Samsung ChatOn hadir di BlackBerryLayanan pesan yang dikenal
dengan nama Samsung ChatOn kembali maju selangkah untuk benar-benar menjadi
layanan multi-platform setelah perusahaan elektronik terbesar Korea tersebut
meluncurkannya pada perangkat ...
BlackBerry 10 Akan Segera Siap Untuk Perizinan, Kata RIMResearch in Motion Ltd
menjelaskan bahwa sistem operasi terbarunya, BlackBerry 10, akan segera siap
untuk mendapatkan perizinan dan segera diluncurkan pada perangkat terbarunya di
awal ...
BlackBerry Dan Bank Permata Hadirkan Layanan BBM Money di IndonesiaBlackBerry
tengah mengadakan uji coba program pengiriman uang (transfer) di Indonesia
melalui Messenger yang diberi nama BBM Money. Terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai
negara pertama yang mencicipi ...
RIM Menunda Peluncuran BlackBerry 10 Terbaru Hingga 2013Research In Motion Ltd
menunda peluncuran produk andalannya, generasi selanjutnya dari handphone
BlackBerry dengan OS BlackBerry 10 hingga kuartal pertama tahun depan. RIM CEO
Thorsten ...
Aplikasi Facebook Messenger Tersedia Bagi Non-MemberPada hari Selasa, Facebook
memperkenalkan fitur terbaru pada aplikasi Messenger Android yang memungkinkan
pengguna mendaftar hanya dengan memasukkan nama dan nomor hp, tanpa harus
memiliki ...
Blackberry Messenger BBM Mengintip Di Ponsel AndroidTidak dapat dipungkiri
bahwa aplikasi BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) adalah daya tarik utama yang membuat
pengguna setia terhadap RIM dan ponsel BlackBerry nya. Namun pada Rabu ...
RIM Akan Memberikan Prototipe Software BB 10 Ke Developer Di Bulan MeiResearch
In Motion (RIM) berencana untuk memberikan software prototipe developer melalui
perangkat ujicoba yang menggunakan software terbarunya, BlackBerry 10 pada awal
Mei mendatang, demikian laporan ...
Lembaga Imigrasi US Beralih ke iPhone, Tinggalkan BlackBerrySatu lagi pukulan
keras menghantam RIM. Lembaga Imigrasi dan Bea Cukai Amerika (ICE) memutuskan
untuk mengakhiri kontrak kerjasamanya dengan BlackBerry dan beralih ke Apple
dengan ...
Update Terbaru Aplikasi Facebook Messenger di iOS dan AndroidFacebook hari ini
melakukan update pada layanan aplikasi Messenger (pesan) nya di iOS dan Android
dengan kemampuan untuk memberi tanda apakah suatu pesan sudah dibaca ...
Si Ramping Smartphone Blackberry 10 London Menantang IphoneSebuah image yang
menunjukan gambar yang diduga merupakan perangkat Blackberry smartphone terbaru
diungkapkan oleh CrackBerry. Smartphone terbaru ini sering disebut RIM sebagai
Superphone sesuai dengan ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info HP Terbaru
måndag 10 juni 2013
[Sistem Informasi] Pentingnya Sistem Informasi dalam Pekerjaan
Sistem Informasi has posted a new item, 'Pentingnya Sistem Informasi dalam
Dalam zaman yang semakin maju, organisasi atau perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat
memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal kepada konsumen. Perkembangan zaman dan
teknologi ikut memacu kebutuhan konsumen yang semakin banyak, semakin kompleks,
dan harus cepat dipenuhi. Dengan keterbatasan waktu dan tenaga, perusahaan harus
memiliki strategi yang tepat dalam mengelola dan meningkatkan level pelayanannya
agar dapat diterima dengan baik oleh konsumen.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sistem Informasi
Dalam zaman yang semakin maju, organisasi atau perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat
memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal kepada konsumen. Perkembangan zaman dan
teknologi ikut memacu kebutuhan konsumen yang semakin banyak, semakin kompleks,
dan harus cepat dipenuhi. Dengan keterbatasan waktu dan tenaga, perusahaan harus
memiliki strategi yang tepat dalam mengelola dan meningkatkan level pelayanannya
agar dapat diterima dengan baik oleh konsumen.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sistem Informasi
söndag 9 juni 2013
[1 Car] Top 10 Tips for Buying a Certified Pre-Owned Car
1 Car has posted a new item, 'Top 10 Tips for Buying a Certified Pre-Owned Car'
Purchasing a certified pre-owned vehicle is one way to avoid getting a lemon
but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still put the squeeze on the seller for more
info and a better price. Following our 10 simple pieces of advice such as
asking to see a certification checklist, knowing the warranty's age and mileage
limits, and not hesitating to haggle will help ensure you're not soured by your
pre-owned buying experience. 10 Certified Pre-Owned Buying Tips
from KickingTires
Put the internet to work for you. via Personal
Recipe 647517
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
Purchasing a certified pre-owned vehicle is one way to avoid getting a lemon
but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still put the squeeze on the seller for more
info and a better price. Following our 10 simple pieces of advice such as
asking to see a certification checklist, knowing the warranty's age and mileage
limits, and not hesitating to haggle will help ensure you're not soured by your
pre-owned buying experience. 10 Certified Pre-Owned Buying Tips
from KickingTires
Put the internet to work for you. via Personal
Recipe 647517
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
[1 Car] Not Yet
1 Car has posted a new item, 'Not Yet'
How were the cherry blossoms?
Wedidn'tgo to the TidalBasin.
You were on the Mallweren'tyou?
Yeah, but I dont recall seeing any cherry blossoms.
Then theyweren'tblooming.
Mama Wordbones was right as usual, particularly when it comes to the ways of
nature. I went back and checked my camera. I had taken the typical tourist
pictures. Standing in the middle of Americas front lawn I took one shot towards
the capital and one towards the monument. Bing. Bang. Boom.
If you look closely you can see the beginnings of color. I wasn't looking
closely. It was cold.
Peanut and I took a day trip to the NationalMuseum ofAmericanHistory, my choice
not hers. Someone is not doing well in US History and I was hoping for some sort
of inspiration. I dont think it took. Hard to tell though, teenagers are
notoriously hard to read.
On the ride home I heard on the radio that peak bud time has now moved back to
this Saturday, two days above the average.
We're planning on going back on Sunday, with the bikes. It would be nice if
wedidn'thave to wear ski hats and gloves.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
How were the cherry blossoms?
Wedidn'tgo to the TidalBasin.
You were on the Mallweren'tyou?
Yeah, but I dont recall seeing any cherry blossoms.
Then theyweren'tblooming.
Mama Wordbones was right as usual, particularly when it comes to the ways of
nature. I went back and checked my camera. I had taken the typical tourist
pictures. Standing in the middle of Americas front lawn I took one shot towards
the capital and one towards the monument. Bing. Bang. Boom.
If you look closely you can see the beginnings of color. I wasn't looking
closely. It was cold.
Peanut and I took a day trip to the NationalMuseum ofAmericanHistory, my choice
not hers. Someone is not doing well in US History and I was hoping for some sort
of inspiration. I dont think it took. Hard to tell though, teenagers are
notoriously hard to read.
On the ride home I heard on the radio that peak bud time has now moved back to
this Saturday, two days above the average.
We're planning on going back on Sunday, with the bikes. It would be nice if
wedidn'thave to wear ski hats and gloves.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
[1 Car] “The Natives Are Massing”
1 Car has posted a new item, '"The Natives Are Massing"'
The photo above came from Interested Party, a To2C netizen and regular
commenter. The note accompanying the attachment was brief and succinct. Spotted
in a ColumbiaVillage. What does it mean?
At a minimum it means someone has thumbed their nose at their village
architectural covenants. Yard art has long been considered bad form inColumbia.
Whether or not it means anything at all besides a spring prank, for some odd
reason it made me think of the recent postings in the Howard County Citizens
Association listserv. I regularly surf through their discussions, just to keep
an eye on them. I dont really consider the HCCA to be a political threat but
HCCA members can usually be counted on to be against anything that involves a
developer. Being in the development business I like to keep tabs on what they
are up to.
Right now there is a big discussion going on about affordable housing and school
board member Ann DeLacy is all over that topic like goose poop on a lakeside
pathway. She thinks that subsidized housing should be more equally spread around
the county citing a concern about the lack of affordable housing in places like
Maple Lawn, Dorsey Search and River Hill.
Are the elected officials here in Howard County simply not interested in the
allocation of fair housing in all areas of the County?
Sounds like ADL may be trying to broaden her political base on the left side of
town. Naturally she links socio-economic diversity with education. Its why our
schools are so bad I suppose.
My favorite housing hypocrite is Alan Klein. You may recall that AK was kicked
to the curb by his full spectrum housing colleagues when the deal was cut on the
Downtown Columbia Housing Trust. Not matter what's negotiated, with AK its never
enough. This from a guy who lives in one of the only Columbia neighborhoods
thatdoesn'thave any multifamily housing let alone anything that could even
remotely be considered affordable. He likes affordable housing in your backyard,
just not his.
You gotta keep an eye on these folks, especially when they are massing
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
The photo above came from Interested Party, a To2C netizen and regular
commenter. The note accompanying the attachment was brief and succinct. Spotted
in a ColumbiaVillage. What does it mean?
At a minimum it means someone has thumbed their nose at their village
architectural covenants. Yard art has long been considered bad form inColumbia.
Whether or not it means anything at all besides a spring prank, for some odd
reason it made me think of the recent postings in the Howard County Citizens
Association listserv. I regularly surf through their discussions, just to keep
an eye on them. I dont really consider the HCCA to be a political threat but
HCCA members can usually be counted on to be against anything that involves a
developer. Being in the development business I like to keep tabs on what they
are up to.
Right now there is a big discussion going on about affordable housing and school
board member Ann DeLacy is all over that topic like goose poop on a lakeside
pathway. She thinks that subsidized housing should be more equally spread around
the county citing a concern about the lack of affordable housing in places like
Maple Lawn, Dorsey Search and River Hill.
Are the elected officials here in Howard County simply not interested in the
allocation of fair housing in all areas of the County?
Sounds like ADL may be trying to broaden her political base on the left side of
town. Naturally she links socio-economic diversity with education. Its why our
schools are so bad I suppose.
My favorite housing hypocrite is Alan Klein. You may recall that AK was kicked
to the curb by his full spectrum housing colleagues when the deal was cut on the
Downtown Columbia Housing Trust. Not matter what's negotiated, with AK its never
enough. This from a guy who lives in one of the only Columbia neighborhoods
thatdoesn'thave any multifamily housing let alone anything that could even
remotely be considered affordable. He likes affordable housing in your backyard,
just not his.
You gotta keep an eye on these folks, especially when they are massing
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
[1 Car] Good Neighbors
1 Car has posted a new item, 'Good Neighbors'
I am unaccustomed to running into my neighbors at HoCo politico events. It just
doesn't happen. Over the six yearswe'velived in our current neighborhood, its
only happened three times. The third time occurred last week at Courtney
Watson's event in Columbia whenI ran into my next door neighbors, the good ones.
Seven years ago, as our side by side homes were being built, I first met Hatem.
Later we would become introduced to his wife and two children. Maha now brings
her homemade baklava to our 3rd of Julyparties. When they traveled back to visit
family in Egypt, we kept an eye on their house.
At the party, Hatem told me that he was on the board of the Howard County Muslim
Council and explained some of the work that the council is doing in the
community. He made a point to mention that Courtney regularly attends their
functions and has been supportive of their efforts.
I loved this moment. I often lament about the sad state of loco civic engagement
and awareness. When I suddenly discovered that, right next door, another
neighbor was quietly doing his part to make HoCo a better place to live, it made
me happy.
In contrast, on the other side of my house is a family that has also moved in at
the same time. They have two daughters and after seven years I dont even know
their names.
We spoke a little about the plans for a Muslim school and worship center in
western HoCo. I told Hatem that a friend of mine is on the executive board of
Residents for the Responsible Development of Woodmont, which opposes the project
currently proposed by Dar-Us-Salaam of College Park because its size and
intensity are far in excess of what RRDW believes is reasonable for the Rural
Conservation district and the rural west of Howard County
I sincerely hope that the Dar-Us-Salaam community and the greater Cooksville
community can reach some sort of mutual accommodation on this. There are good
people on both sides of this zoning debate so there is good reason to be
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
I am unaccustomed to running into my neighbors at HoCo politico events. It just
doesn't happen. Over the six yearswe'velived in our current neighborhood, its
only happened three times. The third time occurred last week at Courtney
Watson's event in Columbia whenI ran into my next door neighbors, the good ones.
Seven years ago, as our side by side homes were being built, I first met Hatem.
Later we would become introduced to his wife and two children. Maha now brings
her homemade baklava to our 3rd of Julyparties. When they traveled back to visit
family in Egypt, we kept an eye on their house.
At the party, Hatem told me that he was on the board of the Howard County Muslim
Council and explained some of the work that the council is doing in the
community. He made a point to mention that Courtney regularly attends their
functions and has been supportive of their efforts.
I loved this moment. I often lament about the sad state of loco civic engagement
and awareness. When I suddenly discovered that, right next door, another
neighbor was quietly doing his part to make HoCo a better place to live, it made
me happy.
In contrast, on the other side of my house is a family that has also moved in at
the same time. They have two daughters and after seven years I dont even know
their names.
We spoke a little about the plans for a Muslim school and worship center in
western HoCo. I told Hatem that a friend of mine is on the executive board of
Residents for the Responsible Development of Woodmont, which opposes the project
currently proposed by Dar-Us-Salaam of College Park because its size and
intensity are far in excess of what RRDW believes is reasonable for the Rural
Conservation district and the rural west of Howard County
I sincerely hope that the Dar-Us-Salaam community and the greater Cooksville
community can reach some sort of mutual accommodation on this. There are good
people on both sides of this zoning debate so there is good reason to be
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
lördag 8 juni 2013
[1 Car] 2014 Toyota Corolla sedan unveiled
1 Car has posted a new item, '2014 Toyota Corolla sedan unveiled'
After what seemed like countless teaser and concepts, the 11th generation of the
worldâs best selling car has been unveiled in sedan form. The Toyota
Corolla sedan made its world debut yesterday with the design borrowing heavily
from the Corolla Furia concept first seen at this yearâs Detroit auto
show. Having sold almost 40 million Corollas since 1966, of which 1.2 million
have been in Australia, the new Toyota Corolla is going to become a familiar
sight on Australian roads soon. But the carâs design is not standard
worldwide. Given the Corollaâs mass appeal, Toyota has decided to create
two versions of the Corolla sedan. One for Europe and one for North America
(shown here in red). The two versions are very similar underneath but with an
obvious difference to the front end. Toyota Australia says the European car
(pictured in white) is the closer of the two in appearance to the model that
will make it to our shores early next year. The humble Corolla hatch has gone on
to become the best selling car in Australia as of last month, outselling the
popular Mazda3. The arrival of the sedan in 2014 will only further boost the
Japanese carâs popularity. The Corollaâs 1.8-litre four-cylinder
engine will be carried over from the hatch, with 103kW of power and 173Nm of
torque. A six-speed manual transmission or a continuously variable transmission
(CVT) will be the two options while fuel usage is expected to be around
7.1L/100km. Do you like the design of the new Toyota Corolla sedan? Which one
looks better, the American or European version?
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
After what seemed like countless teaser and concepts, the 11th generation of the
worldâs best selling car has been unveiled in sedan form. The Toyota
Corolla sedan made its world debut yesterday with the design borrowing heavily
from the Corolla Furia concept first seen at this yearâs Detroit auto
show. Having sold almost 40 million Corollas since 1966, of which 1.2 million
have been in Australia, the new Toyota Corolla is going to become a familiar
sight on Australian roads soon. But the carâs design is not standard
worldwide. Given the Corollaâs mass appeal, Toyota has decided to create
two versions of the Corolla sedan. One for Europe and one for North America
(shown here in red). The two versions are very similar underneath but with an
obvious difference to the front end. Toyota Australia says the European car
(pictured in white) is the closer of the two in appearance to the model that
will make it to our shores early next year. The humble Corolla hatch has gone on
to become the best selling car in Australia as of last month, outselling the
popular Mazda3. The arrival of the sedan in 2014 will only further boost the
Japanese carâs popularity. The Corollaâs 1.8-litre four-cylinder
engine will be carried over from the hatch, with 103kW of power and 173Nm of
torque. A six-speed manual transmission or a continuously variable transmission
(CVT) will be the two options while fuel usage is expected to be around
7.1L/100km. Do you like the design of the new Toyota Corolla sedan? Which one
looks better, the American or European version?
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
[1 Car] In This Months Business Monthly
1 Car has posted a new item, 'In This Months Business Monthly'
The Columbia Council is the red headed step child of loco politics. Even though
the elected council members serve as the board of directors of a corporation
with an annual operating budget of $60 million and 1,300 employees, very few
people pay much attention to its governance.
The system itself is at least partially to blame. Election rules and procedures
are inconsistent among the 10 Columbia villages and not all who pay the CA lien
are even eligible to vote, including the majority of the commercial property
Voter apathy is also to blame. Even seemingly contentious citywide issues such
as the future of Symphony Woods park barely register a blip on most
Columbiaresidents radar. On the other hand, try and take away a neighborhood tot
lot or swimming pool and suddenly people start to pay attention, though by that
time it may already be too late.
Its not too late now. If you live in Columbia please get informed and vote on
April 20thor, at the very least, get your hands on an absentee ballot. If you
know someone who lives in Columbia, particularly the villages of River Hill,
Oakland Mills, WildeLake and Long Reach, please encourage them to pay attention
and participate.
A healthy and forward looking Columbia is in the best interests of everyone who
lives in HoCo.
You can find this months column here.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
The Columbia Council is the red headed step child of loco politics. Even though
the elected council members serve as the board of directors of a corporation
with an annual operating budget of $60 million and 1,300 employees, very few
people pay much attention to its governance.
The system itself is at least partially to blame. Election rules and procedures
are inconsistent among the 10 Columbia villages and not all who pay the CA lien
are even eligible to vote, including the majority of the commercial property
Voter apathy is also to blame. Even seemingly contentious citywide issues such
as the future of Symphony Woods park barely register a blip on most
Columbiaresidents radar. On the other hand, try and take away a neighborhood tot
lot or swimming pool and suddenly people start to pay attention, though by that
time it may already be too late.
Its not too late now. If you live in Columbia please get informed and vote on
April 20thor, at the very least, get your hands on an absentee ballot. If you
know someone who lives in Columbia, particularly the villages of River Hill,
Oakland Mills, WildeLake and Long Reach, please encourage them to pay attention
and participate.
A healthy and forward looking Columbia is in the best interests of everyone who
lives in HoCo.
You can find this months column here.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
[1 Car] 2013 Honda CR-V vs. 2013 Mazda CX-5 vs. 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS vs. 2013 Nissan Rogue
1 Car has posted a new item, '2013 Honda CR-V vs. 2013 Mazda CX-5 vs. 2013
Hyundai Tucson GLS vs. 2013 Nissan Rogue'
Written by James Hamel
Two of these compact family SUVs have been on the market for
quite a while now whereas the other two have been the newest dominating forces
on the scene for just the last model year. Now we all know that in this
competitive segment attention stays on one model for about as long as a Youtube
video sensation is talked about online. Now we are all for another cute cat
meows along to Justin Bieber song video but cant we try and pay attention to
something for more than 15 minutes?
Okay, perhaps thats stretching the point a little too far.
You are probably just in the market for a new compact family SUV and want to
if the two current heroes in the market segment currently (CR-V, CX-5) are
really worth the extra money compared to these two less expensive alternatives
known for quite a while as the Nissan Rogue and Hyundai Tucson. In this road
test we drove a mid-level GLS variant of the Hyundai SUV and a pretty much
loaded SV with SL trim Rogue whose naming structure (SV with SL trim?) wins the
award for stupidest naming structure on any vehicle that we have seen this
year. Or possibly ever.
Now, with an average of about 160-185 horsepower spread out
among these still rather porky SUVs, none of these compact family SUVs is going
to replace that hot hatchback you drove all the way through college. But with
kids, mortgages, in-laws and the appearance of gray hairs comes an extra level
of responsibility that these kinds of SUVs can provide all without breaking the
bank or the gas card. Have you seen the cost of regular unleaded lately? And a
couple of them might just entertain you from time to time.
Exterior Styling
Now this is always purely a personal decision but taken
objectively, we have to say that the 2013 Honda CR-V is easily the most
attractively handsome in a conservatively inoffensive way. It fits in at Home
the grocery store or a Country Club parking lot. In second place is the
2013 Mazda CX-5 which despite a somewhat gawky looking front schnoz whose size
would force any Beverly Hills teen into emergency Rhinoplasty with her plastic
surgeon, at least looked sporty and compact from most other angles.
Although we arent the biggest fans of Hyundais fluidic
sculpture design language, our Tucson testers red exterior paint really made
this design pop when looking for it in crowded parking lots full of silver SUVs.
Last and definitely least is the 2013 Rogue which features a beady set of front
headlamps/bug eyes, a cheap looking egg-crate grille and none of the exterior
class and sass that makes the larger Nissan Murano such a visual and stylistic
hit. (1st Place: 2013 Honda CR-V EX-L, 2nd
Place: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport, 3rd
Place: 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS, 4th
Place: 2013 Nissan Rogue SV with SL Trim)
Interior Styling,
Layout and Utility
Whereas the 2013 Hyundai Tucson has plenty of legroom for
six-footers in the front and back seats, the cargo hold is a bit smaller than in
competitors like the new CR-V. So if outright utility is what you are after
there are better choices than the Tucson. Cargo capacity is 25.7 cubic feet
behind the second row and 55.8 cubic feet with the second row folded flat.
Interior plastics and the seat fabrics could have done with some upgrades but I
you want more high quality class in your Hyundai then check out the Tucson
Limited which still only starts at $25,000. At that level leather seats come as
Or you could just go for the one with the highest quality
interior that truly feels assembled to withstand a full scale nuclear attack or
yet another world-wide tour by pop singer Cherthe 2013 Honda CR-V has the
lowest lift-in height to the cargo hold which simply wallops all comers thanks
to a brilliant set of handles set into the sides of the rear cargo hold which
once pulled they manage to perform an acrobatic ballet of seat folding
engineering artwork that truly should be lauded for being both useful and
dramatic to watch.
Behind the second row of the roomy CR-V there is 37.2 cubic
feet of room for most any sane suburban shopping excursion but in case of an
80% off going out of business sale emergency then fold those seats to offer
up a nearly miraculous 70.9 cubic feet which is more room than most Manhattan,
New York residents have in their entire studio apartment. The 2013 Mazda CX-5
offered also offered impressive amounts of cargo hauling ability of 34.1 cubic
feet behind rear seat passengers and that grows to over 68.1 when the second
row is folded semi-flat. The dashboard of our CX-5 had a sporty and
straightforward layout and interior materials were impressive considering its
too good to be real entry level price point.
The 2013 Nissan Rogues interior plastics have been upgraded
a few times during its life but it still looks, feels and smells no better than
an SUV that has been rented through three tropical Hurricanes in Florida and
has about 50,000 creaking, ill-fitting miles on it. Behind the second row the
Rogue can haul cubic feet of cargo growing to over 54 cubic feel when you
attempt to fold the cheap mechanisms hiding under the nasty and cheap feeling
leather covered bench seat that perhaps was instead made from Armadillo skin.
Even worse, the front seats were heated and would smell awful
when they got warmer. On positive notes, the 2014 Nissan Rogue SV with SL tri
did come with a decent Bose 8-speaker AM/FM/USB/I-Pod integrating audio system
with a unique subwoofer, a power drivers seat, automatic
climate control (the
CR-V gets that standard), 18-inch alloy wheels, Bluetooth, keyless entry and
push button start. a power glass sunroof as well as an in-dash navigator.
However, despite its high feature count, the one thing it is sorely lacking is
in the possibility of the owner ever having a pleasant interior
environment.(1stPlace: 2013 Honda CR-V EX-L, 2ndPlace: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport,
3rdPlace: 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS, 4thPlace: 2013 Nissan Rogue SV with SL
Value, Pricing and
Fuel Economy
Our four compact family SUV entrants all range in pricing
from generally about $20,000 to a little over $30,000 so they are within the
budget of most new SUV buyers as the average transaction price for any new
vehicle stands at a little over $27,000. Our testers were from trim levels all
over the map including the basic yet very enticing 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport which
was so basic its transmission came with a clutch pedal. When was the last time
you saw an SUV with a stick shift option even with its most basic trim level?
More importantly, when did any SUVs stick shift come with such a sporty shift
action and positive modulation through the clutch that you wonder if Mazda is
the last automaker intent on building fun cars for lovers of the manual
Not only that but our front wheel drive 2013 Mazda CX-5
Sport stickered at just $20,695 yet still came equipped with air conditioning,
AM/FM/CD/USB/iPod integrated audio system with 4 speakers, power windows, power
mirrors and locks, cruise controls, steering wheel mounted audio controls,
17-inch alloy wheels, floor mats and pretty much every essential most families
look for besides Bluetooth but you can survive with an aftermarket headset for
this price, cant you? Over the course
of 7 days with us, the 2.0 liter 155 horsepower SkyActiv 4-cylinder and
six-speed manual returned an as yet to be better by any other compact SUV we
have ever tested 32.4 miles per gallon average. Yes foks, thats a record for
Our 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS was also a screaming bargain
with price
s starting at just $22,295 for this mid-level trim which definitely
didn't lack for features. Spend a few grand more for a Limited model and you
can even add leather, cooler looking alloys, navigation and an upgraded premium
audio system. But to our way of thinking the GLS is the smartest buy in the
Tucson lineup and even the standard 6-speaker audio system in the GLS does a
terrific job in its attempts to sound "premium."
Standard with every 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS are features
like power windows, door locks and mirrors, air conditioning, AM/FM/CD
6-speaker audio system, USB/iPod connectivity, Bluetooth, a 2.4 liter 176
horsepower/168 lb. feet of torque 4 cylinder, a 6-speed automatic, tinted
glass, alloy wheels, keyless entry and a whole lot more. It is, in short all of
the compact family SUV that most people ever really need all with a handy 10
year/100,000 mile powertrain warranty. The 2013 Hyundai Tucson gets an EPA
estimated 21 city/30 highway and we were pleased to find our tester averaged
26.1 miles per gallon during its stay with us.
Both the CR-V EX-L and Rogue SV with SL trim were priced
pretty near the top of their respective model lines and packed with top notch
features and luxuries that most new SUV buyers lust after but do keep in mind
all of the aforementioned SUVs were front wheel drive. Still, the 2013 Honda
Civic EX-L we tested lacked only a navigation unit and rear seat DVD
unit from the options list and stickered for just a bit over $27,000. The 2013
Nissan Rogue SV with SL trim stickered for $28,950 and attempts to trump the
CR-V by including a cheap in-dash navigator with a tiny 5-inch screen and dated
looking graphics. Or you could get a CR-V with their far superior navigation
unit for a total MSRP about $100 higher than the Rogue we tested. Seriously,
dont eat out for two weeks and buy the
Sadly, no matter where the sticker price goes, the 2013
Nissan Rogue is always outclassed by the CR-V, CX-5 and even the Tucson. Also
remember that a Honda CR-V will hold its
resale value class leadership status that it has retained for years whereas
that is one detail that is not yet clear for the Mazda as of yet. Its a small
but important detail as is the CR-Vs as tested fuel economy figure of 29.7
miles per gallon fuel economy average which was a couple miles below that of
the CX-5. Bringing up the rear as usual was the rebellious for no reason Nissan
Rogue which returned a tolerable 24.7 miles per gallon.(1stPlace: 2013 Honda
CR-V EX-L, 2ndPlace: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport, 3rdPlace: 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS,
4thPlace: 2013 Nissan Rogue)
Safety and Driving
The first concern of any parent buying a compact family SUV
is how safe it will be in an accident and we have the answers for you.
According to the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), the 2013 Honda
CR-V, Mazda CX-5 and Hyundai Tucson all got top scores in all categories
meaning that they were named Top Safety Picks in their class. Unfortunately
for the 2013 Nissan Rogue, it only scored a less than perfect Acceptable rating
from the IIHS in the crucial roof strength test that helps ensure your family
stays safe in the event of a rollover accident in your SUV.
Part of the reason why the admittedly underpowered 2013 Mazda
CX-5 felt like such a cheeky laugh riot to drive was due to the fact that in
our base Sport trim it comes with a sweet six-speed manual gearbox that offers
up the same engaging smiles per mile transferred to your brain via the clutch
and shift lever much like in a Mazda2, Mazda3 or Miata with one of their
artfully engineered stick shifts. As part of its SkyActiv program, Mazda
instilled the six speed manual gearbox with the shortest shift stroke of any
vehicle in its class thereby giving the shift lever a quick and sporty feel
that you can enjoy in many regular cars. Steering feel is quick and the Mazda
corners with very little body roll and while it can feel a bit more antsy to
play than the more refined CR-V, the CX-5 definitely feels like it could handle
more power.
The 2013 CR-V may not be tuned quite as much for track day
cornering like
the CX-5 but the eloquent collaboration from the 2.4 liter 185 horsespower
4-cylinder engine, 5-speed automatic transmission and expert ride and
suspension tuning mark it out as the most grown up feeling small SUV on the
market. You might notice the CR-Vs steering offering up less feel than the
CX-5 but only after driving them back to back.
The 2013 Hyundai Tucsons 2.0 liter engine 176
horsepower/168 lb. feet of torque gives the driver a decent amount of power in
most situations but just isn't as smooth as the motors found in the CX-5 or
CR-V. For some reason, this same engine seems better isolated and less rough
sounding in its fraternal twin the 2013 Kia Sportage EX. Perhaps Hyundai
thought better to save some money on sound deadening measures that Kia kept in
place despite it causing that model to sometimes cost more when equipped like
for like.
Now, the Tucson's engine isn't horrible by any means but it
does sound a bit like a bucket full of thimbles being thrashed around under
full throttle acceleration maneuvers and the like. But then you could always
turn up the very capable stereo system and never be bothered by it so really it
could only prove problematic to those odd souls who drive without music playing.
Otherwise, steering feel is impressively taut and offers better feel than the
racks in either the Elantra or Sonata sedans. SUV's aren't supposed to be
cars but the Tucson does allow you to have a little bit of slightly unrefined
on the drive to pick up the kids from soccer practice.
Lastly, is it right to even go into how much we abhorred
driving the Nissan
Rogue given its unshakably nervous and jittery suspension
tuning, vague as a newly elected politician-style steering feel and a moaning
CVT (continuously variable transmission) automatic gearbox which turned
Nissans normally quite pleasant 2.5 liter 175 horsepower 4-cylinder engine
into something that sounded like a cow being tortured. Low speeds, freeway
passing passing speeds, and even idling in a parking lot, we always felt that
there was some odd engine, wind, tire or transmission noise there to annoy you.
We know that the 2013 Nissan Juke may only offer 10.5 cubic feet of cargo space
behind the second row of seats but somehow it manages to suffer from none of
the Rogues utterly inexcusable driving dynamics.(1stPlace: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport
(Manual), 2ndPlace 2013 Honda CR-V EX-L (Automatic), 3rdPlace: 2013 Hyundai
Tucson GLS, 4thPlace: 2013 Nissan Rogue)
Conclusion (And the
Winner is)
If you are one of the very few people who would ever
consider purchasing your next new compact family SUV with a stick shift (we
would now!), the winner would have to be the 2013 Mazda CX-5 which whipped up
so much value, utility and fun to drive zoom-zoom that we would have a hard
time passing by this incredible SUV buy. But if you want an automatic, things
become more muddled and the CR-V clearly takes the lead as the more sensible
and practical choice which still offers enough behind the wheel entertainment
to keep the driver engaged.
As for the Tucson and Rogue, they are quite obviously a
generation behind these two but it is the Tucson which easily nabs third place
thanks to its high style, value and vastly superior transmission in the form of
its Hyundai designed 6-speed automatic. Not only is the 2013 Nissan Rogue a bit
cramped and overpriced for what you really get but it also comes with Nissans
most obnoxiously whiny sounding CVT (continuously variable transmission)
automatic that alone
would banish it to last place simply on its own negative
mechanical merit.
(1st Place
Tie: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport (Manual
Transmission) and 2013 Honda CR-V EX-L
(Automatic), 2nd: 2013 Hyundai
Tucson GLS, 3rd Place: 2013
Nissan Rogue SV with SL Trim)
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
Hyundai Tucson GLS vs. 2013 Nissan Rogue'
Written by James Hamel
Two of these compact family SUVs have been on the market for
quite a while now whereas the other two have been the newest dominating forces
on the scene for just the last model year. Now we all know that in this
competitive segment attention stays on one model for about as long as a Youtube
video sensation is talked about online. Now we are all for another cute cat
meows along to Justin Bieber song video but cant we try and pay attention to
something for more than 15 minutes?
Okay, perhaps thats stretching the point a little too far.
You are probably just in the market for a new compact family SUV and want to
if the two current heroes in the market segment currently (CR-V, CX-5) are
really worth the extra money compared to these two less expensive alternatives
known for quite a while as the Nissan Rogue and Hyundai Tucson. In this road
test we drove a mid-level GLS variant of the Hyundai SUV and a pretty much
loaded SV with SL trim Rogue whose naming structure (SV with SL trim?) wins the
award for stupidest naming structure on any vehicle that we have seen this
year. Or possibly ever.
Now, with an average of about 160-185 horsepower spread out
among these still rather porky SUVs, none of these compact family SUVs is going
to replace that hot hatchback you drove all the way through college. But with
kids, mortgages, in-laws and the appearance of gray hairs comes an extra level
of responsibility that these kinds of SUVs can provide all without breaking the
bank or the gas card. Have you seen the cost of regular unleaded lately? And a
couple of them might just entertain you from time to time.
Exterior Styling
Now this is always purely a personal decision but taken
objectively, we have to say that the 2013 Honda CR-V is easily the most
attractively handsome in a conservatively inoffensive way. It fits in at Home
the grocery store or a Country Club parking lot. In second place is the
2013 Mazda CX-5 which despite a somewhat gawky looking front schnoz whose size
would force any Beverly Hills teen into emergency Rhinoplasty with her plastic
surgeon, at least looked sporty and compact from most other angles.
Although we arent the biggest fans of Hyundais fluidic
sculpture design language, our Tucson testers red exterior paint really made
this design pop when looking for it in crowded parking lots full of silver SUVs.
Last and definitely least is the 2013 Rogue which features a beady set of front
headlamps/bug eyes, a cheap looking egg-crate grille and none of the exterior
class and sass that makes the larger Nissan Murano such a visual and stylistic
hit. (1st Place: 2013 Honda CR-V EX-L, 2nd
Place: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport, 3rd
Place: 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS, 4th
Place: 2013 Nissan Rogue SV with SL Trim)
Interior Styling,
Layout and Utility
Whereas the 2013 Hyundai Tucson has plenty of legroom for
six-footers in the front and back seats, the cargo hold is a bit smaller than in
competitors like the new CR-V. So if outright utility is what you are after
there are better choices than the Tucson. Cargo capacity is 25.7 cubic feet
behind the second row and 55.8 cubic feet with the second row folded flat.
Interior plastics and the seat fabrics could have done with some upgrades but I
you want more high quality class in your Hyundai then check out the Tucson
Limited which still only starts at $25,000. At that level leather seats come as
Or you could just go for the one with the highest quality
interior that truly feels assembled to withstand a full scale nuclear attack or
yet another world-wide tour by pop singer Cherthe 2013 Honda CR-V has the
lowest lift-in height to the cargo hold which simply wallops all comers thanks
to a brilliant set of handles set into the sides of the rear cargo hold which
once pulled they manage to perform an acrobatic ballet of seat folding
engineering artwork that truly should be lauded for being both useful and
dramatic to watch.
Behind the second row of the roomy CR-V there is 37.2 cubic
feet of room for most any sane suburban shopping excursion but in case of an
80% off going out of business sale emergency then fold those seats to offer
up a nearly miraculous 70.9 cubic feet which is more room than most Manhattan,
New York residents have in their entire studio apartment. The 2013 Mazda CX-5
offered also offered impressive amounts of cargo hauling ability of 34.1 cubic
feet behind rear seat passengers and that grows to over 68.1 when the second
row is folded semi-flat. The dashboard of our CX-5 had a sporty and
straightforward layout and interior materials were impressive considering its
too good to be real entry level price point.
The 2013 Nissan Rogues interior plastics have been upgraded
a few times during its life but it still looks, feels and smells no better than
an SUV that has been rented through three tropical Hurricanes in Florida and
has about 50,000 creaking, ill-fitting miles on it. Behind the second row the
Rogue can haul cubic feet of cargo growing to over 54 cubic feel when you
attempt to fold the cheap mechanisms hiding under the nasty and cheap feeling
leather covered bench seat that perhaps was instead made from Armadillo skin.
Even worse, the front seats were heated and would smell awful
when they got warmer. On positive notes, the 2014 Nissan Rogue SV with SL tri
did come with a decent Bose 8-speaker AM/FM/USB/I-Pod integrating audio system
with a unique subwoofer, a power drivers seat, automatic
climate control (the
CR-V gets that standard), 18-inch alloy wheels, Bluetooth, keyless entry and
push button start. a power glass sunroof as well as an in-dash navigator.
However, despite its high feature count, the one thing it is sorely lacking is
in the possibility of the owner ever having a pleasant interior
environment.(1stPlace: 2013 Honda CR-V EX-L, 2ndPlace: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport,
3rdPlace: 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS, 4thPlace: 2013 Nissan Rogue SV with SL
Value, Pricing and
Fuel Economy
Our four compact family SUV entrants all range in pricing
from generally about $20,000 to a little over $30,000 so they are within the
budget of most new SUV buyers as the average transaction price for any new
vehicle stands at a little over $27,000. Our testers were from trim levels all
over the map including the basic yet very enticing 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport which
was so basic its transmission came with a clutch pedal. When was the last time
you saw an SUV with a stick shift option even with its most basic trim level?
More importantly, when did any SUVs stick shift come with such a sporty shift
action and positive modulation through the clutch that you wonder if Mazda is
the last automaker intent on building fun cars for lovers of the manual
Not only that but our front wheel drive 2013 Mazda CX-5
Sport stickered at just $20,695 yet still came equipped with air conditioning,
AM/FM/CD/USB/iPod integrated audio system with 4 speakers, power windows, power
mirrors and locks, cruise controls, steering wheel mounted audio controls,
17-inch alloy wheels, floor mats and pretty much every essential most families
look for besides Bluetooth but you can survive with an aftermarket headset for
this price, cant you? Over the course
of 7 days with us, the 2.0 liter 155 horsepower SkyActiv 4-cylinder and
six-speed manual returned an as yet to be better by any other compact SUV we
have ever tested 32.4 miles per gallon average. Yes foks, thats a record for
Our 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS was also a screaming bargain
with price
s starting at just $22,295 for this mid-level trim which definitely
didn't lack for features. Spend a few grand more for a Limited model and you
can even add leather, cooler looking alloys, navigation and an upgraded premium
audio system. But to our way of thinking the GLS is the smartest buy in the
Tucson lineup and even the standard 6-speaker audio system in the GLS does a
terrific job in its attempts to sound "premium."
Standard with every 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS are features
like power windows, door locks and mirrors, air conditioning, AM/FM/CD
6-speaker audio system, USB/iPod connectivity, Bluetooth, a 2.4 liter 176
horsepower/168 lb. feet of torque 4 cylinder, a 6-speed automatic, tinted
glass, alloy wheels, keyless entry and a whole lot more. It is, in short all of
the compact family SUV that most people ever really need all with a handy 10
year/100,000 mile powertrain warranty. The 2013 Hyundai Tucson gets an EPA
estimated 21 city/30 highway and we were pleased to find our tester averaged
26.1 miles per gallon during its stay with us.
Both the CR-V EX-L and Rogue SV with SL trim were priced
pretty near the top of their respective model lines and packed with top notch
features and luxuries that most new SUV buyers lust after but do keep in mind
all of the aforementioned SUVs were front wheel drive. Still, the 2013 Honda
Civic EX-L we tested lacked only a navigation unit and rear seat DVD
unit from the options list and stickered for just a bit over $27,000. The 2013
Nissan Rogue SV with SL trim stickered for $28,950 and attempts to trump the
CR-V by including a cheap in-dash navigator with a tiny 5-inch screen and dated
looking graphics. Or you could get a CR-V with their far superior navigation
unit for a total MSRP about $100 higher than the Rogue we tested. Seriously,
dont eat out for two weeks and buy the
Sadly, no matter where the sticker price goes, the 2013
Nissan Rogue is always outclassed by the CR-V, CX-5 and even the Tucson. Also
remember that a Honda CR-V will hold its
resale value class leadership status that it has retained for years whereas
that is one detail that is not yet clear for the Mazda as of yet. Its a small
but important detail as is the CR-Vs as tested fuel economy figure of 29.7
miles per gallon fuel economy average which was a couple miles below that of
the CX-5. Bringing up the rear as usual was the rebellious for no reason Nissan
Rogue which returned a tolerable 24.7 miles per gallon.(1stPlace: 2013 Honda
CR-V EX-L, 2ndPlace: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport, 3rdPlace: 2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS,
4thPlace: 2013 Nissan Rogue)
Safety and Driving
The first concern of any parent buying a compact family SUV
is how safe it will be in an accident and we have the answers for you.
According to the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), the 2013 Honda
CR-V, Mazda CX-5 and Hyundai Tucson all got top scores in all categories
meaning that they were named Top Safety Picks in their class. Unfortunately
for the 2013 Nissan Rogue, it only scored a less than perfect Acceptable rating
from the IIHS in the crucial roof strength test that helps ensure your family
stays safe in the event of a rollover accident in your SUV.
Part of the reason why the admittedly underpowered 2013 Mazda
CX-5 felt like such a cheeky laugh riot to drive was due to the fact that in
our base Sport trim it comes with a sweet six-speed manual gearbox that offers
up the same engaging smiles per mile transferred to your brain via the clutch
and shift lever much like in a Mazda2, Mazda3 or Miata with one of their
artfully engineered stick shifts. As part of its SkyActiv program, Mazda
instilled the six speed manual gearbox with the shortest shift stroke of any
vehicle in its class thereby giving the shift lever a quick and sporty feel
that you can enjoy in many regular cars. Steering feel is quick and the Mazda
corners with very little body roll and while it can feel a bit more antsy to
play than the more refined CR-V, the CX-5 definitely feels like it could handle
more power.
The 2013 CR-V may not be tuned quite as much for track day
cornering like
the CX-5 but the eloquent collaboration from the 2.4 liter 185 horsespower
4-cylinder engine, 5-speed automatic transmission and expert ride and
suspension tuning mark it out as the most grown up feeling small SUV on the
market. You might notice the CR-Vs steering offering up less feel than the
CX-5 but only after driving them back to back.
The 2013 Hyundai Tucsons 2.0 liter engine 176
horsepower/168 lb. feet of torque gives the driver a decent amount of power in
most situations but just isn't as smooth as the motors found in the CX-5 or
CR-V. For some reason, this same engine seems better isolated and less rough
sounding in its fraternal twin the 2013 Kia Sportage EX. Perhaps Hyundai
thought better to save some money on sound deadening measures that Kia kept in
place despite it causing that model to sometimes cost more when equipped like
for like.
Now, the Tucson's engine isn't horrible by any means but it
does sound a bit like a bucket full of thimbles being thrashed around under
full throttle acceleration maneuvers and the like. But then you could always
turn up the very capable stereo system and never be bothered by it so really it
could only prove problematic to those odd souls who drive without music playing.
Otherwise, steering feel is impressively taut and offers better feel than the
racks in either the Elantra or Sonata sedans. SUV's aren't supposed to be
cars but the Tucson does allow you to have a little bit of slightly unrefined
on the drive to pick up the kids from soccer practice.
Lastly, is it right to even go into how much we abhorred
driving the Nissan
Rogue given its unshakably nervous and jittery suspension
tuning, vague as a newly elected politician-style steering feel and a moaning
CVT (continuously variable transmission) automatic gearbox which turned
Nissans normally quite pleasant 2.5 liter 175 horsepower 4-cylinder engine
into something that sounded like a cow being tortured. Low speeds, freeway
passing passing speeds, and even idling in a parking lot, we always felt that
there was some odd engine, wind, tire or transmission noise there to annoy you.
We know that the 2013 Nissan Juke may only offer 10.5 cubic feet of cargo space
behind the second row of seats but somehow it manages to suffer from none of
the Rogues utterly inexcusable driving dynamics.(1stPlace: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport
(Manual), 2ndPlace 2013 Honda CR-V EX-L (Automatic), 3rdPlace: 2013 Hyundai
Tucson GLS, 4thPlace: 2013 Nissan Rogue)
Conclusion (And the
Winner is)
If you are one of the very few people who would ever
consider purchasing your next new compact family SUV with a stick shift (we
would now!), the winner would have to be the 2013 Mazda CX-5 which whipped up
so much value, utility and fun to drive zoom-zoom that we would have a hard
time passing by this incredible SUV buy. But if you want an automatic, things
become more muddled and the CR-V clearly takes the lead as the more sensible
and practical choice which still offers enough behind the wheel entertainment
to keep the driver engaged.
As for the Tucson and Rogue, they are quite obviously a
generation behind these two but it is the Tucson which easily nabs third place
thanks to its high style, value and vastly superior transmission in the form of
its Hyundai designed 6-speed automatic. Not only is the 2013 Nissan Rogue a bit
cramped and overpriced for what you really get but it also comes with Nissans
most obnoxiously whiny sounding CVT (continuously variable transmission)
automatic that alone
would banish it to last place simply on its own negative
mechanical merit.
(1st Place
Tie: 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport (Manual
Transmission) and 2013 Honda CR-V EX-L
(Automatic), 2nd: 2013 Hyundai
Tucson GLS, 3rd Place: 2013
Nissan Rogue SV with SL Trim)
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
fredag 7 juni 2013
[1 Car] Deployment Environment generation fails to create Business Space tables with an Oracle Common Database
1 Car has posted a new item, 'Deployment Environment generation fails to create
Business Space tables with an Oracle Common Database'
I'm currently installing and configuring IBM Business Monitor against
Oracle 11g R2, all on Linux.I hit the following exception when trying to
generate and import a new Deployment Environment: -25/03/13 20:41:07:936 GMT]
0000002c BSpaceConfigL ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
Business Space tables with an Oracle Common Database'
I'm currently installing and configuring IBM Business Monitor against
Oracle 11g R2, all on Linux.I hit the following exception when trying to
generate and import a new Deployment Environment: -25/03/13 20:41:07:936 GMT]
0000002c BSpaceConfigL ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
[1 Car] Fix Pack for IBM Business Process Manager, IBM Business Monitor and IBM Integration Designer
1 Car has posted a new item, 'Fix Pack for IBM Business Process Manager,
IBM Business Monitor and IBM Integration Designer'
Goodies available here: -Version 8.0.1 Fix Pack 1 for the IBM Business Process
Manager productsIBM Business Monitor V8.0.1 Fix Pack 1 ( IBM
Integration Designer V8.0.1 Fix Pack 1 for Linux8.0.1.1: IBM Integration
Designer V8.0.1 Fix Pac...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
IBM Business Monitor and IBM Integration Designer'
Goodies available here: -Version 8.0.1 Fix Pack 1 for the IBM Business Process
Manager productsIBM Business Monitor V8.0.1 Fix Pack 1 ( IBM
Integration Designer V8.0.1 Fix Pack 1 for Linux8.0.1.1: IBM Integration
Designer V8.0.1 Fix Pac...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
torsdag 6 juni 2013
[Harga Satu] Intel LGA 775 Pilihan Processor Harga Murah
Harga Satu has posted a new item, 'Intel LGA 775 Pilihan Processor Harga Murah'
Processor berharga murah menjadi opsi utama untuk mereka yang mau membeli
komputer untuk kebutuhan ringan ataupun sekedar irit anggaran. Intel LGA 775
meskipun produk lama tetapi hingga saat ini masih banyak dan mudah didapatkan di
pasaran. Performa yang dihasilkan dari si "jadul" ini juga cukup lumayan untuk
menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi sekarang.
Harga processor LGA 775 memang sangat murah dan produknya memiliki banyak
variasi seperti yang bisa anda lihat pada tabel di bawah. Intel pentium 4 yang
merupakan single core adalah yang paling murah dengan harga ga nyampai 400 ribu
dan bahkan ada yang cuma 150 ribu. Kemudian ada dual core generasi pertama seri
E yang juga berharga hemat, untuk yang E2xx saja tidak lebih dari empat ratus
ribu rupiah sedang yang serie E5xx ga nyampai satu juta bro.
Meski lagi mencari processor murah tapi jangan yang jadul-jadul amat sih kalau
menurut saya. Paling tidak pilihlah yang intel core 2 duo atau quad core
sekalian. Mengeluarkan sedikit tambahan dana, tetapi juga efek terhadap
performanya cukup signifikan. Oke langsung saja, silahkan pilih produk mana yang
sesuai dengan anda dengan melihat daftar harga processor intel LGA 775 di bawah
intel Pentium 4 520 (Tray+Fan)
2.8Ghz,C1Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel Pentium 4 521 Tray+Fan
intel E2140 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E2160 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E2200 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E2180 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
2.0Ghz,C1Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel P4 541 Tray+Fan 3.2Ghz)
intel Pentium IV 630 (Tray+Fan)
2.33Ghz,C4Mb,Fsb 1333 Mhz
intel E6300 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E5200 (Tray)
2.5Ghz,fsb 800,C2Mb
intel E5400 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
2.70Ghz,C2Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel E5200 (Box)
2.5Ghz,fsb 800,C2Mb
intel E5500 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
2.80Ghz,C2Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel E5500 (Box)
2.8Ghz FSB 800 Mhz Cache 2MB
intel E5700 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
3.0Ghz,C2Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel E6500 Dual Core (Box)
intel E5800 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E6700 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E5700 Dual Core (Box)
3.0Ghz,C2Mb,Fsb 800Mhz
intel E7500 Core 2 Duo (Box)
2.93Ghz,C3Mb,Fsb 1066 Mhz
intel 8400 Core 2 Duo (Tray+Fan)
2.66Ghz,C4Mb,Fsb 1333 Mhz
intel E7200 Core 2 Duo (Tray+Fan)
2.53Ghz,C3Mb,FSB 1066 Mhz
intel 7400 (Tray+Fan)
intel E7500 Core 2 Duo (Tray+Fan)
2.93Ghz,C3Mb,Fsb 1066 Mhz
intel 8500 Core 2 Duo (Tray+Fan)
3.16ghz, 1333mhz,cache 6mb
intel Q8200 Quad Core
intel 8300 Core 2 Quad (Tray+Fan)
2.50Ghz,C4Mb,Fsb 1333 Mhz
intel 8400 Quad Core (Tray+Fan)
Jika anda tidak lagi tertarik dengan produk "jadul", tenang saja karena
processor terbaru mudah didapatkan di pasaran seperti LGA 1155 dan LGA 2011
untuk kelas beratnya.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Harga Satu
Processor berharga murah menjadi opsi utama untuk mereka yang mau membeli
komputer untuk kebutuhan ringan ataupun sekedar irit anggaran. Intel LGA 775
meskipun produk lama tetapi hingga saat ini masih banyak dan mudah didapatkan di
pasaran. Performa yang dihasilkan dari si "jadul" ini juga cukup lumayan untuk
menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi sekarang.
Harga processor LGA 775 memang sangat murah dan produknya memiliki banyak
variasi seperti yang bisa anda lihat pada tabel di bawah. Intel pentium 4 yang
merupakan single core adalah yang paling murah dengan harga ga nyampai 400 ribu
dan bahkan ada yang cuma 150 ribu. Kemudian ada dual core generasi pertama seri
E yang juga berharga hemat, untuk yang E2xx saja tidak lebih dari empat ratus
ribu rupiah sedang yang serie E5xx ga nyampai satu juta bro.
Meski lagi mencari processor murah tapi jangan yang jadul-jadul amat sih kalau
menurut saya. Paling tidak pilihlah yang intel core 2 duo atau quad core
sekalian. Mengeluarkan sedikit tambahan dana, tetapi juga efek terhadap
performanya cukup signifikan. Oke langsung saja, silahkan pilih produk mana yang
sesuai dengan anda dengan melihat daftar harga processor intel LGA 775 di bawah
intel Pentium 4 520 (Tray+Fan)
2.8Ghz,C1Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel Pentium 4 521 Tray+Fan
intel E2140 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E2160 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E2200 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E2180 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
2.0Ghz,C1Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel P4 541 Tray+Fan 3.2Ghz)
intel Pentium IV 630 (Tray+Fan)
2.33Ghz,C4Mb,Fsb 1333 Mhz
intel E6300 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E5200 (Tray)
2.5Ghz,fsb 800,C2Mb
intel E5400 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
2.70Ghz,C2Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel E5200 (Box)
2.5Ghz,fsb 800,C2Mb
intel E5500 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
2.80Ghz,C2Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel E5500 (Box)
2.8Ghz FSB 800 Mhz Cache 2MB
intel E5700 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
3.0Ghz,C2Mb,Fsb 800 Mhz
intel E6500 Dual Core (Box)
intel E5800 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E6700 Dual Core (Tray+Fan)
intel E5700 Dual Core (Box)
3.0Ghz,C2Mb,Fsb 800Mhz
intel E7500 Core 2 Duo (Box)
2.93Ghz,C3Mb,Fsb 1066 Mhz
intel 8400 Core 2 Duo (Tray+Fan)
2.66Ghz,C4Mb,Fsb 1333 Mhz
intel E7200 Core 2 Duo (Tray+Fan)
2.53Ghz,C3Mb,FSB 1066 Mhz
intel 7400 (Tray+Fan)
intel E7500 Core 2 Duo (Tray+Fan)
2.93Ghz,C3Mb,Fsb 1066 Mhz
intel 8500 Core 2 Duo (Tray+Fan)
3.16ghz, 1333mhz,cache 6mb
intel Q8200 Quad Core
intel 8300 Core 2 Quad (Tray+Fan)
2.50Ghz,C4Mb,Fsb 1333 Mhz
intel 8400 Quad Core (Tray+Fan)
Jika anda tidak lagi tertarik dengan produk "jadul", tenang saja karena
processor terbaru mudah didapatkan di pasaran seperti LGA 1155 dan LGA 2011
untuk kelas beratnya.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Harga Satu
[Info Harga Komputer] TITLE
Info Harga Komputer has posted a new item, 'Membeli Komputer Sesuai Dengan
Kebutuhan dan Keuangan'
Sangat penting ketika anda membeli komputer bisa menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan
dan kemampuan keuangan anda. Jangan sampai hanya karena ingin segera memiliki
kemudian anda menjadi tidak cermat dan akhirnya uang yang anda belanjakan tidak
efektif. Untuk...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Harga Komputer
Kebutuhan dan Keuangan'
Sangat penting ketika anda membeli komputer bisa menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan
dan kemampuan keuangan anda. Jangan sampai hanya karena ingin segera memiliki
kemudian anda menjadi tidak cermat dan akhirnya uang yang anda belanjakan tidak
efektif. Untuk...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Harga Komputer
[Harga Satu] Taft GT
Harga Satu has posted a new item, 'Taft GT'
Daftar Harga Mobil Bekas Second Daihatsu Taft : Harga Taft Diesel Bekas/Second,
Harga Taft 1996, 1997, 1998Daihatsu TaftMerk & TypeTahunHarga (Rp.)Daihatsu Taft
GT 4x4 Independent 2.8Daihatsu Taft Rocky 4x4 Independent 2.819961996
90.000.000,- ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Harga Satu
Daftar Harga Mobil Bekas Second Daihatsu Taft : Harga Taft Diesel Bekas/Second,
Harga Taft 1996, 1997, 1998Daihatsu TaftMerk & TypeTahunHarga (Rp.)Daihatsu Taft
GT 4x4 Independent 2.8Daihatsu Taft Rocky 4x4 Independent 2.819961996
90.000.000,- ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Harga Satu
onsdag 5 juni 2013
[1 Car] Architects are responsible for HOW thus capability of WHAT
1 Car has posted a new item, 'Architects are responsible for HOW thus capability
of WHAT'
Many recentdiscussions were talking about WHY, WHAT, and HOW as outputs of
architectural work. I already blogged about dependencies / linking between them
).In this post, I would like to outline who is responsible for WHY, WHAT and
HOW. But, at first, let go back to basics and define "architect
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
of WHAT'
Many recentdiscussions were talking about WHY, WHAT, and HOW as outputs of
architectural work. I already blogged about dependencies / linking between them
).In this post, I would like to outline who is responsible for WHY, WHAT and
HOW. But, at first, let go back to basics and define "architect
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
[1 Car] In This Months Business Monthly
1 Car has posted a new item, 'In This Months Business Monthly'
When my family moved into the Bryant Woods neighborhood in Columbia in the
summer of 1968 there were model homes on our cul de sac making it a regular stop
for the Columbia tour buses. There was 7-11 store nearby with a snack bar but
the real action was up at the WildeLakeVillageCenter where, in addition to a
grocery store, there was a butcher, a bookstore, a cheese shop, a pharmacy with
a soda fountain, a womens clothing store and a record store. The village center
was the social and commercial hub of the community. One of the highlights of the
holiday season was when the village center would host an open house. As Columbia
residents visited the different stores, each merchant provided some type of
holiday fare. The punch that Columbia Bank and Trust ladled out was particularly
For some residents of Columbia, this was the embodiment of the Jim Rouse vision.
Only itwasn't.
In the late sixties, Columbiawas still a small town with a population of less
than 10,000. A forlorn silo stood where The Mall is today.
Itdidn'tlast long. The true Rouse vision was to build a city ten times that
size. By the beginning of the seventies residents of the new city began to get
new places to gather. Oakland Mills village center came online in 1969
andHarper'sChoice got their own village center in 1971. WildeLake was no longer
something unique, it was simply one of three.
The biggest change for WildeLakethough came in 1972 when that lonely silo was
replaced with a regional mall. The bookstore and clothing store moved out of
WildeLakeand into The Mall. The slow decline of the centers fortunes had begun.
By the mid seventies memories of those early year holiday open house nights had
already begun to fade.
You can read this months column here.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
When my family moved into the Bryant Woods neighborhood in Columbia in the
summer of 1968 there were model homes on our cul de sac making it a regular stop
for the Columbia tour buses. There was 7-11 store nearby with a snack bar but
the real action was up at the WildeLakeVillageCenter where, in addition to a
grocery store, there was a butcher, a bookstore, a cheese shop, a pharmacy with
a soda fountain, a womens clothing store and a record store. The village center
was the social and commercial hub of the community. One of the highlights of the
holiday season was when the village center would host an open house. As Columbia
residents visited the different stores, each merchant provided some type of
holiday fare. The punch that Columbia Bank and Trust ladled out was particularly
For some residents of Columbia, this was the embodiment of the Jim Rouse vision.
Only itwasn't.
In the late sixties, Columbiawas still a small town with a population of less
than 10,000. A forlorn silo stood where The Mall is today.
Itdidn'tlast long. The true Rouse vision was to build a city ten times that
size. By the beginning of the seventies residents of the new city began to get
new places to gather. Oakland Mills village center came online in 1969
andHarper'sChoice got their own village center in 1971. WildeLake was no longer
something unique, it was simply one of three.
The biggest change for WildeLakethough came in 1972 when that lonely silo was
replaced with a regional mall. The bookstore and clothing store moved out of
WildeLakeand into The Mall. The slow decline of the centers fortunes had begun.
By the mid seventies memories of those early year holiday open house nights had
already begun to fade.
You can read this months column here.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
[Harga Satu] TITLE
Harga Satu has posted a new item, 'Mobil Vios Bekas'
Daftar Harga Mobil Bekas Second Toyota Vios : Harga Vios Bekas/Second, Harga
Vios 2003, 2004, 2005Toyota ViosMerk & TypeTahunHarga (Rp.)Toyota Vios E M/T
1.5Toyota Vios G M/T 1.5Toyota Vios G A/T
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Harga Satu
Daftar Harga Mobil Bekas Second Toyota Vios : Harga Vios Bekas/Second, Harga
Vios 2003, 2004, 2005Toyota ViosMerk & TypeTahunHarga (Rp.)Toyota Vios E M/T
1.5Toyota Vios G M/T 1.5Toyota Vios G A/T
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Harga Satu
tisdag 4 juni 2013
[Info Mobil] Gran Lusso Coupe : Buah Kolaborasi BMW Dan Pininfarina
Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Gran Lusso Coupe : Buah Kolaborasi BMW Dan
Siapa yang tak terpukau dengan desain hasil karya Pininfarinadan siapa pula yang
tak kenal dengan Bayerische Motoren Werke alias Bavarian Motor Works alias BMW?
Kini keduanya berkolaborasi membangun karya menakjubkan dalam sebuah mobil
konsep yang dibe...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Mobil
Siapa yang tak terpukau dengan desain hasil karya Pininfarinadan siapa pula yang
tak kenal dengan Bayerische Motoren Werke alias Bavarian Motor Works alias BMW?
Kini keduanya berkolaborasi membangun karya menakjubkan dalam sebuah mobil
konsep yang dibe...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Mobil
måndag 3 juni 2013
[Info Resep] Crispy Chicken Stick
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'Crispy Chicken Stick'
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]- Rebus bahan untuk kaldu
sampai ayam empuk, angkat dan saring kaldunya. potong dagingnya berbentuk dadu
- Lumuri ayam dengan merica, bawang putih dan garam. Diamkan sebentar. Tiriskan.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]- Rebus bahan untuk kaldu
sampai ayam empuk, angkat dan saring kaldunya. potong dagingnya berbentuk dadu
- Lumuri ayam dengan merica, bawang putih dan garam. Diamkan sebentar. Tiriskan.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[Pusat Informasi Beasiswa] BEASISWA Informasi Beasiswa Lanjut Ke Luar Negeri
Pusat Informasi Beasiswa has posted a new item, 'BEASISWA Informasi Beasiswa
Lanjut Ke Luar Negeri'
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Best regards,
Pusat Informasi Beasiswa
Lanjut Ke Luar Negeri'
Get every new post delivered to your Inbox.
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Best regards,
Pusat Informasi Beasiswa
lördag 1 juni 2013
[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Architect and Engineer
Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Architect and
PT Mandiri Global Citra (MGC) is Indonesia's largest Importer and Distributor of
Tarpaulin and Membrane fabrics for your creative roofing solution and flexible
design structure. We proudly represent top brands i.e. Sheerfill (USA),
Verseidag (Germany) ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World
PT Mandiri Global Citra (MGC) is Indonesia's largest Importer and Distributor of
Tarpaulin and Membrane fabrics for your creative roofing solution and flexible
design structure. We proudly represent top brands i.e. Sheerfill (USA),
Verseidag (Germany) ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World
[Info Ponsel] Daftar Harga HP Nexian Terbaru 2013
Info Ponsel has posted a new item, 'Daftar Harga HP Nexian Terbaru 2013'
Harga Hp Nexian. Nexian merupakan salah satu penyedia perangkat telekomunikasi
tetap yang bergerak di indonesia. Nexian menjadi pelopor hp lokal indonesia yang
dinobatkan sebagai the most favorite local brand. Nexian yakni market leader di
bidang penye...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Ponsel
Harga Hp Nexian. Nexian merupakan salah satu penyedia perangkat telekomunikasi
tetap yang bergerak di indonesia. Nexian menjadi pelopor hp lokal indonesia yang
dinobatkan sebagai the most favorite local brand. Nexian yakni market leader di
bidang penye...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Ponsel
[Info Rumah] Rumah Dijual di Kucica Bintaro Sektor 9 (ANA)
Info Rumah has posted a new item, 'Rumah Dijual di Kucica Bintaro Sektor 9
Dijual sebuah rumah di Jalan Kucica, Bintaro Jaya Sektor 9. Kondisi rumah masih
cukup baik.LT / LB : 180 / 150KT / KM : 3+1 / 2+1Lantai : 2PLN &...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Rumah
Dijual sebuah rumah di Jalan Kucica, Bintaro Jaya Sektor 9. Kondisi rumah masih
cukup baik.LT / LB : 180 / 150KT / KM : 3+1 / 2+1Lantai : 2PLN &...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Rumah
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'UDANG SELIMUT KELAPA'
6 ekor udang pancet, belah punggung dan cuci dibawah air mengalir
1 sdm air jeruk nipisMinyak untuk menggoreng
1 butir telur kocok lepasBUMBU PERENDAM:
1 sdm kecap manis
1 sdt jahe cincang
1 sdt minyak wijen
1 sdt saus tiram
1/2 sdt merica bubu...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
6 ekor udang pancet, belah punggung dan cuci dibawah air mengalir
1 sdm air jeruk nipisMinyak untuk menggoreng
1 butir telur kocok lepasBUMBU PERENDAM:
1 sdm kecap manis
1 sdt jahe cincang
1 sdt minyak wijen
1 sdt saus tiram
1/2 sdt merica bubu...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
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